Monday, December 30, 2019
6 Ways for a Project Manager to Build Team Accountability
6 Ways for a Project Manager to Build Team Accountability6 Ways for a Project Manager to Build Team AccountabilityAccountability is critical to every projects success. Accountability does not mean a project manager must babysit, micromanage or browbeat people to get things done. Such tactics cause strife and animosity toward the project manager. Rather than being the only person holding-gesellschaft people accountable, the project manager empowers the entire team to uphold the projects accountability.While the project manager has the important responsibility of establishing an environment of accountability, project team members have the responsibilities to hold themselves and each other accountable. Instead of the project manager going it alone on accountability, the entire team participates.Here are six ways to build accountability into a project 01Address Accountability at the Kickoff MeetingTetra Images/Getty ImagesIf handling poor performance one-on-one does not work, the project manager must escalate the issue to the team members supervisor. If that fails, the project sponsor will need to step into the situation.Addressing one-on-one, escalating to the supervisor and escalating to the sponsor is the best order of handling poor performance by a project team member. Skipping a step could alienate those involved and ultimately waste time.Before taking an issue to the project sponsor, a project manager should exhaust all other options. In the case of poor performance, this means addressing the situation one-on-one and then appealing to the team members supervisor.The project manager should be specific with the project sponsor about what the project manager recommends the project sponsor do. If the project manager wants the team member counseled by a second line manager, the project manager should say so.If the project manager wants the team member replaced, the project manager should make such a request. The project sponsor needs options and the pros and cons of each option.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The purpose of life is to be a nobody
The purpose of life is to be a nobodyThe purpose of life is to be a nobodyWe all experience the world like we are at thecenterof reality.We think and we feel in relation to how ur senses absorb information and how thisinformationmingleswith our personal memories.The subjective perception created by unterstellunginteractions providestheillusion of importance.We forget thatthisperceptiononly exists in our mindsand thateveryone near us is walking around underexactly the saatkorn psychologicalmindset.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIn truth,were just one of the billions, andover the course of history,everything about us is insignificant.Even people like Newton and Einstein, who we reverefor their contributions to humanity, are only slightly lessinsignificant.Our universe containsoneseptillionstars(a one followed by 24 zeroes)and a lot of these stars contain many, many more motes ofd ustthat we call planets.If any of usceasedto exist tomorrow,littlewould change beyond the subjective emotional states of the people in our immediate circles.Earth would continue its orbit, and the laws of physics would remain intact.Were elendhing more thana fraction of aripplein aninfinitesea ofentropy.Many of us dont like hearing this.Itconflictswith the story our mind tells.Werebrought upto think thatwere special, and we like believing it.But I dont say any of this as acynicor to depress you.In fact, quite the opposite.I say itbecausedistinguishing between our subjectiveperceptionand the objective reality is the key to living a meaningful and important life.Acknowledging unimportance liberates us from thegripsof the self-centered voice in our head thats chieflyresponsiblefor many of lifes difficulties.Its the voice that compares us to people that dont matter,its the same voice that convinces us that wereentitledto a comfortable and easy life,and its indeed this voice that has us chasingarbitrarymeasures of success.And the result?We spend our timeacquiringthings we dont want or need, wefalterat the first sign ofhardshipand inconvenience,and one day, wewake up to a ticking clock realizing that,all this time,weve lived somebody elses life.Thesurest way to be unfilled is towalkaround like you hold some sort of a privileged position in the universe.Its not only a completely false and harmfulillusion, but it alsooverlooksthe fringe benefits of being anobody.Id like to walk youthroughthem.1.Being a nobody allows us to truly experience and appreciate theprofoundnessof thesublimeIn 1757,Edmund Burkepublished one of the most influentialworksinaesthetics.Its a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty.In it, he separated sensory experiences intoThe BeautifulandTheSublime.Were all familiar withThe Beautiful. It can be summarized by the standard definition.We see it every day in the things we findstunningand pleasant.The Sublime, however, is different.It s more than just visuallyenticing. Itsoverwhelming.It makes us feel small, and it has the power toengulfus.Its found when we are inaweat the might of nature, itsexperienced in the emotion of love, and its discovered when we are compelled by a great work of art.Itsaheightened sense of existencebeyond comfort andnormalcy.To fullyindulgeinTheSublime, we have to give up a part of ourselves.We are forced to accept a degree ofinferiorityfor a connection to something greater.The risk ofvulnerabilityisbalancedby the reward ofecstasy.No one is immune fromexperiencingthis wonder,but ego and a deep sense of personal importance get in the way.They seek ecstasy without accepting vulnerability, and they then find themselves cornered with fear.There is nothing desirable about it. It leads to a kind ofparalysisthat steals the potential of experiencing some of the great joys in life.Itmay be masked with humor orrationality, but in truth, its nothing more than insecurity.Being a nobody, you donthavet his problem.You accept that youre already naked,so you may as well put it on display to try and gain something.More often than not, you do.2.Being a nobody frees us from theirrationalpressures and expectations of an uncertain worldWe live our lives guided by labels andhierarchies.Its how we make sense of a complex reality.That said, these labels and hierarchies arent absolute.A tree isnt a tree because a law of nature has defined it as a tree.Its a tree because ourcognitivebrains have learned to understand it as such.Its our way of translating sensory noise into a mode of organization thats useful.This is a crucial distinction.Our observation of reality is an approximation confined by the boundaries of language.Its uncertain and in large part unpredictable.As the lateNobel LaureateAlbert Camus noted,welive to reason with an unreasonable world and it often leads to a conflicted life.When you bind these labels and hierarchies too closely to your identity, youanchor your expectations t o things that are fundamentally fragile.If you gain your worth from being a CEO and the fact that you wield a degree of power in the context of a business, rather than, say, fromintrinsic values, then you will eventually find yourself in a position of conflict.Life isnt concerned with your artificial sense of importance.At some point, there will be adivergencebetween the story you tell yourself and the cold, hard reality.Your net worth wont matter, and thefall will be muchsteeper.When you are a nobody, however,you dont pretend that a label - whether good or bad - is anything more thana figment of our collective imagination.You liberate yourself from many of thepettysocietal pressures of existence.You may still assume a certain role with pride, but knowing that it doesnt make you any more or less importantgroundsyou on a firmer foundation.Its a small mental shift that makes a big difference.3.Being a nobody gives us the humility to realize thatits our struggles that define us, not ourdesiresWhen we convince ourselves that were more special than what the universedictates,we tend to develop a sense ofentitlementabout what life owes us.We choose to believe the surface-level stories about what happiness and success look like, and we are quick to think that they dont cost a thing.Theharshtruth is that the universe doesnt owe anyone anything.Its utterly indifferent to what you or I want.It exists as it does based on the forcesthat act on it, andto shapeanoutcome in our favor,its on us to pick our battles.Its fine and well to want an amazing career, butwalking around withthe assumption that you deserve one wont get you there.Its the price that you are willing to pay that will.Its that initial unrewarded work and those long, long hours of blood and sweat and tears with no end in sight that will.To accept such struggles,it takes humility.It requires you toacknowledge that youre just like everybody elsethat wants a great job, a wonderful relationship, and consistent ha ppiness.Your desires arent unique.It means thatyou accept thatthe difference isnt in what youwant,but inwhat you are willing to suffer for.Its about the trade-offs youre willing to endure, the beatings youre willing to take, and its about knowing that in spite of all of that,the fruits of your labor may still not amount to anything.Its aboutboldlystaring life in the face and having the courage to sayI might not be much, and I know I wont always get what I want, but it sure ashelldoesnt mean that I wonttry.Andthat, ultimately, is thepurpose of life.To try and see reality in its true form and then to do what you can to shape it into what you wish itwere.Youre already a nobody, andas am I.Were not owed anything.The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can focus on the things we can change.And theres a lot we can change.Its not easy, but thats precisely why its valuable.Were each a negligible part of a vast cosmic entity, andthere really is something beautiful about that if you choose to see it for what it is.This article first appeared on Design Luck.
Friday, December 20, 2019
How to design an intentional life
How to design an intentional lifeHow to design an intentional lifeREAD ON TO DISCOVERWhy we cant effectively lead from emptyThe leadership lessons we can learn from parentingHow to balance the different accounts in ur lives for the betterMichael Hyattis the Founder and CEO of Michael Hyatt Company, an online leadership development company dedicated to helping high achievers win at work and succeed at life. Formerly the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, Michael is also theNew York Timesbestselling author ofPlatform Get Noticed in a Noisy Worldand the co-author ofLiving Forward A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want. He recently joinedRyan Hawk, host ofThe Learning Leader Show, to discuss how to lead fully, in all aspects of your life.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThis conversation has been edited and condensed. To listen to Michael and Ryans full conversation, click here.RyanI have a question about leaders that youve spent timewith who have sustained excellence. From your perspective, what are some of the common themes or characteristics those people all share?MichaelOne of the top qualities is that excellent leaders have the ability to lead themselves. Self-leadership is the prerequisite or the foundation for leadership- if you cant lead yourself, you dont have the right to lead anybody else. There is also a measure of discipline, particularly when it comes to work-life balance. Its notlage a sprint- they know that if they are successfulat the expense of their health or most important relationships, then ultimately thats going to cascade into their career.I think most people have that kind of balance. They go at it hard, but they are also able to retreat and take care of themselves and the people that they love most. Those are two attributes, certainly, that the successful leaders I know exhibit.Self-leadership is the prerequisite or the foundation for leadership- if you cant lead yourself, you dont have the right to lead anybody else.RyanIt feels to me that you balance those attributes quite well. I noticed that one of your recent blog posts welches on a recent two-week social media hiatus you did with your family. Id love to hear you expand upon what that two-week hiatus did for you and, if possible, how others could potentially do the same.MichaelFor the last five years, weve taken a month off in the summer, completely unplugged and really focused on things other than work. Its opened up a whole world of other things- activities, hobbies, reading. I find that when I can fill the cognitive or relational well, that sets me up to win when I get back, because my tank is full. Too many leaders are trying to lead from empty. Thats just not a good place to be- somethings going to blow up in your life if you lead from empty for too long.Too many leaders are trying to lead from empty.RyanWhat about people who have a full -time jobworking for somebody else? What advice do you give to that person, who has less flexibility?MichaelI would challenge them to ask themselves, Is this a constraint thats being imposed externally? Or is it a constraint thats internal, because you have this expectation of yourself, or you think that its necessary to get an edge on everybody else?Look at the performance of professional athletes- they practice a lot, but theyve got a lot of downtime. One of the things that Ive noticed among all the elite athletes is that they prioritize sleep and rest. They know that if theyre going to perform atpeak performance, theyve got to take care of their own bodies and their own psychology, so that when they get on the field, they can really kill it.Particularly for high achievers, when theyre at work, theyre also thinking about home or some health problem that may be dogging them. And vice versa- when theyre at the doctor, theyre thinking about whats not getting done at work. Prioritizin g rest and vacations and time off allows you to be fully present, which, in this culture, is a strategic advantage. If you can be present in the conversations youre having at work- youre able to listen well, youre not distracted by personal problems- youre going to get ahead.Stress it the enemy of performance. Ive got a big family, five daughters, and one of the things I set as a non-negotiable welches leaving the office at six oclock every night. The idea that youve got to choose one or the other is a false dichotomy what if you could design a life that attended to all of those things?Prioritizing rest and vacations and time off allows you to be fully present, which, in this culture, is a strategic advantage.RyanFive daughters, man. Well probably have to have another conversation because my wife and I are also raising five daughters.MichaelAre you really?RyanYeah, their ages are nine to two, so its a little bit different, but we know weve got a lot coming for us in the future. Were there moments where you said, I dont know what Im doing or Im lost? What was it like through some of those years, and when were there tough moments?MichaelI think thats what every parent feels, because you dont get any training in this. Suddenly this bundle of joy shows up, and nobody has given you the owners manual, and youve got to figure it out as you go. The biggest issue is parents who abdicate responsibility. If you can stay engaged, and keep the channels of communication open, and try to listen without judgment, that is really wise. I think the goal of parenting is to de-parent- youre preparing them to be on their own. Which, by the way, is a great leadership lesson. Ive learned so much from my daughters- theyre some of my best teachers now.I think the goal of parenting is to de-parent- youre preparing them to be on their own. Which, by the way, is a great leadership lesson.RyanIve read your bookPlatform Get Noticed in a Noisy Worldmultiple times, and the reason I love it is because its literally a playbook, where you can implement as you go. How did you put this book together?MichaelI was the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the seventh-largest publishing company in the US. I worked at the company 17 years, but I became the CEO for five years, and then the chairman for one year beyond that. Then we sold the company to HarperCollins.Back in 2004, I started blogging. Id written before, and I thought, You know, this blogging thing looks really cool, and this may be a way for me to share some of the lessons Ive learned, and maybe get the visibility of the company up on the web.For the first four years, I had about 1,000 readers a month. Then I hit an inflection point in 2008 when I went to 20,000 unique visitors a month, and its grown every year since. Really,Platformwas my attempt to deconstruct what I did, and to help people that had something important to say or to sell, but had no clue how to get heard.RyanA lot of people are working toward leadership roles at a company they love, but also have ideas in addition to their daily work. What is your advice for people who say, I have a good job, but I also have bigger ideas, so I think I need to have some sort of platform?MichaelThe most important thing to do is to start. I used to think, as recovering perfectionist, that I had to figure it all out and get it right at the beginning, and not launch until I got it right. The great thing about the internet today is that you can launch and tweak- Ive approached everything Ive done in that way.An online platform gives people an opportunity to know how you think. It establishes your authority, and as you add value to their lives, it begins to build trust.RyanWhen you mentor others, whether its in publishing or any business, what are some of the things we could learn from you, from a career perspective?MichaelIt almost seems trivial, but when youre dealing with corporations, a lot of times youre dealing with people that are embedded in a bu reaucracy, and theyre slow to respond. One of the things that I decided to do early in my career that I think gave me a tremendous edge was to be hyper-responsive to people.I didnt want my clients, who at that time were mostly authors, or bookstores, to have the experience where it took me 48 hours to get back to them. Irespondedto them almost immediately, even if all I could say was, Look, I dont have an answer for you yet, but I got your message. Im on it. People really appreciated that, because people that are outside your organization want to do business faster.I think the other thing is also having courage to act. So many people in corporations think their hands are tied. Its got to be calculated, but there are times when youve got to operate by the maxim of, Its easier to give forgiveness than to give permission.Another thing is always, always, always keeping your word. Even when it becomes inconvenient, expensive, or just a hassle. Stephen Covey said this, and I think hes rig ht Honesty is when we make our words line up with reality, but integrity is when we make reality line up with our words.Honesty is when we make our words line up with reality, but integrity is when we make reality line up with our words.RyanLets press forward a little bit to what youre doing now. What brought you to write this book,Living Forward A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want, with Daniel Harkavy?MichaelIn 2001, I had taken on a new assignment- I was a general manager for one of the divisions at Thomas Nelson. It was a big job, and out of fourteen divisions, that division was dead last in every possible financial metric. The good news for me was, I couldnt screw it up- I could only make it better. In 18 months, we went from number fourteen to number one in the company, but it came at a big cost. I was working like crazy, I had stopped working out, I wasnt eating well. I finally said to John Maxwell, who was one of our authors and a mentor of mine, John, we ve got all these great results, but heres the cost, man. I see where the trend line is going, and I know Im going to have a health crisis or a marriage crisis or something if I dont get this tended to.He said, You need an executive coach, somebody that has your best interest in mind, and I want to recommend Daniel Harkavy, who became my co-author for that book. The very first thing we did wasgo through a process of life planning. He had me answer three really powerful questions. The first was, How do you want to be remembered? Fast forward to the end of your life- imagine its your funeral. Whos sitting in the room, and what do you want those people to say about you?Then we went through this next question Whats important to you? I knew what was important to my boss, I knew what was important to my wife- but I never really asked the question, Whats important to me? That gave me a clear filter to be able to say yes to the things that are good for me and for my family, and no to the thi ngs that arent.The third question was, How do you get from where you are to where you want to be? This is kind of the 30,000-foot view of What do I want? We used this metaphor in the book- imagine, just like you have a bank account, that you have accounts for different aspects of your life Youve got a health account, a marriage account, a parenting account. What is the condition of those accounts, and how can you grow them so that theres a surplus?Youve got a health account, a marriage account, a parenting account. What is the condition of those accounts, and how can you grow themso that theres a surplus?Part of that begins with getting really honest about where you are now. Youve got to know where you are, and then youve got to know where you want to go, what the destination is. What would my marriage look like if I was intentional, and really worked with my spouse to create an incredible relationship? What would my health look like? What would happen if I was in the best shape of my life? What would have to happenfor me to have a career that I love?Thats what the book is about- getting that 30,000-foot view, taking a real assessment of your life,figuring out where you want to go, and thenplanning how to get there.This article originally appeared on Heleo.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from nestkken Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Hired! Steering Away from the Auto Industry Crisis
Hired Steering Away from the Auto Industry CrisisHired Steering Away from the Auto Industry CrisisPlatform manager leaves Detroits auto industry and lands director of quality job in Missouri.With the auto industry going through drastic changes, Will Scruggs knew it welches time to start thinking about how his skills as a manager at an auto components company would transfer to a new industry. He also knew that he might have to take those skills outside the Detroit area.While he enjoyed his job as a platform manager at International Automotive Component near Detroit, the OpsLadder member said his wife and he had already talked about relocating for a job if the right opportunity came along. That way it wouldnt be such a deep soul search for us. We would have already talked about it, he said. I think when you are looking for a job, you need to think about relocation as part of the process.My wife is a pharmacist, so her job is portable, Scruggs said. Knowing that helped us feel good abou t moving to a different part of the country.The decision to leave the automotive industry welches based on a lot of little things happening that, taken together, pushed me to start looking around, he said. Last September, I was directly tied with Chrysler, and there was a lot of downsizing there. Car sales were getting worse and worse. I needed to do something different not go back to school, but look at other industries and other companies where there would be opportunities, he said.Scruggs search was twofold One, he was looking at other regions of the country to which his family would be willing to relocate, and two, he was looking at jobs based on his skill set, not his industry. It wasnt easy to go about, he said. I looked at several hundred job postings before I found jobs that I was interested in, that were located in areas of the country we felt we could move to. I saw a lot of postings that were related to the automotive field, and I did not want to go back to that.Scruggs w as aya of one other thing He needed help re-writing his resume, so he had a professional service do it. I went to a technical school, so I didnt have to write, he joked. The way they described me to me, they used adjectives that I havent used since I was studying for the SATs. It was updated, concise, professional, and I immediately said, Thats money well-spent. Switching industriesBy mid-October, armed with a new resume and a better idea of the job landscape, Scruggs was ready to go into full job-search mode. Still, he was very selective. If he saw a posting he liked, he would do a search on the company and decide if it was worth sending a resume to. I was using all the tools that were available to find out more about these companies, he said. There were a lot of postings that I thought I was qualified for, but after researching the companies, decided not to apply. A lot of them were tied to the automotive industry, and I didnt want to stay with it.I did enjoy my job, he said, and if it werent for what he sees happening in the auto industry, he wouldnt be looking to leave. Ironically, he said, about the time he started posting resumes he was moved to another program at his company, where there was a growth path. But it was limited, he said. It was not enough in this economy.So Scruggs continued posting resumes, and in the end applied for five jobs at companies located in Colorado, Michigan, Massachusetts and Missouri. By late December, his membership at Ladders had resulted in a phone interview with DTMP, a heavy-equipment manufacturing company in Lebanon, Mo. In mid-February, he was flown to its headquarters for an in-person interview, and by early March, he was hired.In his new position, as director of quality and engineering, hell be performing many of the same tasks he did in his previous position, while adding some aspects of manufacturing quality. Its a significantly smaller company, he said. But it has good growth potential, more potential for experien ce. Its what I like to do planning and management. I think it will be an easy transition. We will be designing parts and making parts, and instead of going on a car, they will go on a tractor or a combine.Its personalThere was a bonus to taking this job, Scruggs said In Missouri, he will be moving closer to his parents. It was a factor in choosing this job, he said. It was something that had been on his mind, he said he thought about his parents getting older and more betreuung from family. Scruggs said he knows of other people that have had to move because of a medical emergency, and hes glad that with this move, hes now close enough that he wont be put in that position. Were moving on our own terms, not because of a situation that would force us to scramble, he said.Being proactive about his work and personal life has put him in a place where he said he feels comfortable in an uneasy economy. People outside of southeast Michigan cannot even imagine how bad it is in the Detroit are a, he said. Its a difficult atmosphere here unemployment is at 11 percent, and its personal. You go to a Cub Scout meeting, and two of the 12 dads dont have jobs. Some people are tied to the area. Im glad I am able to leave on my own terms.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Mythical Answers to Cover Letter for Resume Revealed
Mythical Answers to Cover Letter for Resume Revealed Cover Letter for Resume - the Conspiracy Job seekers deserve to come across decent content quickly. You have to support your work description with some awards for the fantastic jobs that youve handled. Be certain to tailor any samples you use to coordinate with your own background and the job for which youre applying. All the resume sample resumes will find the transferable abilities and examples that dont have any work experience. If you want, I can supply you with current samples of my work. Reread the work description to determine if its listed there or check the organization site. Resumes could be organized in various ways. The Key to Successful Cover Letter for Resume A letter of introduction does just what it implies it introduces one particular party to a different party. The introduction has become the most important portion of the expert titel letter, as its where youre intended to earn a strong impression thats sufficient to motivate employers to carry on reading the document. Explain which youre asking for work and want to handle your titel letter to the right individual. Know the individual who will be interviewing you and compose the letter accordingly. Be sure all contact information is not difficult to locate on the cover letter, and specify whats the very best method of contact. Before you even start your cover letter, gather information regarding the employer and the business that youre applying to. A cover letter should demonstrate the employer you have the qualifications to do the job youre applying for. It should be a one-page document that provides clear and concise details as to why you want the job. It is the place to expand on experiences such as study abroad or coursework that you may not have had the opportunity to describe on the resume. You CANNOT use exactly the same exact exact same cover letter to apply for each and every job. Cover Letter for Resume Secrets Th at No One Else Knows About Whenever you are enquiring about the odds of employment, make certain you specify which areas, sections or departments you want to apply for. Perhaps you would like to shed a part of your prior management duties, or you wish to cut back on business travel or there are benefits of reducing your commute. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods.It can be beneficial to print a duplicate of your cover letter and edit it using a pen in hand. Regardless of what engineering track youre on, your cover letter should highlight problem solving skills and the ability to satisfy quality standards. By earning your letter conversational in tone instead of overly formal, you can demonstrate that youre friendly and approachable. Bear in mind that its important to tailor the letter in line with the firms mission and the work role youre seeking for. You will also have to show that youve posi tive attitude to the position and the hiring company. Its also valuable to research the business further online to acquire a sense for the businesss culture. The business would like to think that you took the opportunity to read about and understand the position. The 30-Second Trick for Cover Letter for Resume When you have finished the letter, dont forget to sign it. Make certain your letter is related to your applied position. The debut of your letter should be quite impressive. The whole use of the letter is to create the introduction. Actually, you shouldnt make your document precisely the same as an example or template. For that reason, it is going to become crucial to hone the writing skills to be able to develop into capable enough in preparing a draft of the company letter perfectly. To be able to conserve time, its far better to think of an official letter template which you can copy and modify to coincide with the particular case. This example could just be an em ail.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
How to Put Reference on a Resume Ideas
How to Put Reference on a Resume Ideas What to Expect From How to Put Reference on a Resume? If theres any question regarding to his reference, please feel free to get in touch with me at any moment. You also ought to state the length of time you have known the reference. Last, dont neglect to briefly mention your connection to the reference and the length of time you have known them. Ask permission whenever you intend to include your private reference. When youve selected your references, make certain theyre well-prepared to assist you. You can supply a list of references following your interview if its requested. If their interview procedure includes references, employers will request that you provide them. Job references should not ever be included on a resume. The only time that it is acceptable to include references with the resume in a work application is when theyre requested directly in the work vacancy description. Resumes are tricky its sometimes hard to know exa ctly what things to include. Very good resumes show as opposed to tell. What You Should Do to Find Out About How to Put Reference on a Resume Before Youre Left Behind In summary, the key to reference success is to prepare beforehand, choose individuals who will speak highly of you, and make it simple for them to achieve that. Take note your references are sacrificing time and effort to assist you. 1 negative reference can drastically impact your odds of getting hired for work, so be cautious about who you list. For instance, if youre going into the work market for the very first time, you might just should list three references. Another reason why its not a great concept to put references in your resume is that you can be identified as an older candidate. You will help save yourself and the recruiter plenty of time and potentially get your opportunity with an interview because of it Before you list someone for a reference, make sure you call them to ask permission, make them k now the kind of work youre pursuing and, if needed, refresh their memory about your work. So you get a very good feeling youre likely to nail your interview. New Ideas Into How to Put Reference on a Resume Never Before Revealed If you work in a creative field, think about developing a personal site which has a mobile-responsive design so that you can share your portfolio from any gadget. If your reference is someone renown in the business or industry. Providing a rental resume when applying for a rental house is a good way to stick out in pool of applicants in a competitive rental market. however, it isnt a guarantee you are going to be approved. If you submit your application online, its also advisable to have a chance to attach your resume. Resume reference pages might be used at any location in the interview procedure. Options may still be provided on the command line. Picking out the proper personal reference is an extension of that skill and why you wish to have a list with a variety of choices. Listing a person for a reference without permission could be harmful to your job application. Email Email is likewise an acceptable means to find permission. If youre a seasoned professional, place your professional work history section prior to your education. Formatting your resume references is a comparatively straightforward undertaking. Applying for work with very little work history is never simple, but it does not need to truly feel impossible. Even a specific training program may also require using a reference letter also. Every work application should have a cover letter. Resumes departure to look and sound the exact same. The Unexpected Truth About How to Put Reference on a Resume As soon as its important to get people who can vouch for your abilities and techniques, offering a list of references right from the gate during work search isnt always the ideal policy. You can also search for quotes on your previous performance reviews. Your references could make or break your odds of landing work, so be sure you pick the best people to talk for your benefit. The men and women you include in the list needs to be relevant to the job which you are applying for. Also, make sure to have your references latest contact details. Contact information needs to be set on top of your resume. You should have some simple info and a couple dates. The aforementioned information is helpful for anybody who has some expert experience.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Job interview question and answer If someone was making a movie about your life, what genre would it be, who would play you and what would be the title
Job vorstellungsgesprch question and answer If someone was making a movie about your life, what genre would it be, who would play you and what would be the title Job interview question and answer If someone was making a movie about your life, what genre would it be, who would play you and what would be the title?Posted October 13, 2011, by Andrea Riddell Such an interesting question deserves an interesting answer, but be careful notlage to get swept up in your imagination. The interviewer is trying to create a picture of who you are, so be careful how you portray yourself. Unless you are actually pitching a movie about yourself to a Hollywood director this question is less about how exciting your life has been and more about how you perceive yourself and what life lessons you have learnt. How you explain your answers is just as important as the answers themselves, and the interviewer will also be assessing your ability to think on your feet. In terms of genre, feel free to think outs ide the square just make sure you can justify your answer and portray your character in a positive light. If you choose horror as your genre, you will have a lot of explaining to do. Crime fiction or film noir genres can be used to show your excellent problem-solving skills, your level-headedness as well as your strong morals. Action films can make you appear resilient, decisive and show your strength of character. Be careful when choosing romance or comedy as your genre as they could make you come across as too sensitive or not serious enough. For romantic films you can justify your choice by saying that you enjoy a positive outcome and learning from the lessons that life throws your way. Comedies can show that you dont take yourself too seriously and enjoy a good worklife balance. When deciding which Hollywood star will play you, think about actors who have had a respectable film career and keep their private lives away from the cameras. Choose an actor who is renowned for their modesty and their hard work. Dont just choose Brad Pitt because he looks good in a toga. Remember, the person you choose will represent how you view yourself, not who you want to be, so take a moment to think about your choice. The title should sum up the kind of person you are and the kind of life you have led. Steer clear of titles that portray you as an immature jokester (Van Wilder, Peter Pan) or titles that veer towards the inappropriate (The Hangover, Knocked Up, The 40 Year Old Virgin). Be creative with this one and show them that you have a sense of humour and a good sense of self. While you dont want to appear like youve led a wild life that would bring any parent to tears, most interviewers dont want to hire a boring straighty one-eighty. Achieving the balance between appropriate and fun is essential to successfully answering this question. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesteacher interview questions and answersmortgage broker interview questions and answerssecretary interview questions and answerssocial media manager interview questions and answerscover letter for a job without experience CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAndrea RiddellRelated ArticlesBrowse moreWork etiquetteCalling in sick to workA few years back, a Commonwealth public servant was caught faking lung cancer in order to get out of work.Career progressionJob hunting tipsHow To Negotiate Your Pay And Get The Raise You DeserveNot negotiating your salary at every opportunity means that you could be robbing yourself of over $600,000 over the course o f your working life. Here are 11 scientifically backed negotiation strategies to help you get the raise you deserve.JOB HUNTINGWork/life balanceWhy A Break Is Exactly What Your Career NeedsWhether youre switching careers or just buggering off to travel overseas, a break from work can be a useful tool to garner not just life experience, but extra skills with which to arm yourself for your next big move.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Customize this Outstanding Business Development Manager Resume Template
Customize this Outstanding Business Development Manager Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Business Development Manager Resume TemplateWriting the Business Development Manager Resume TemplateCreate Resume The level between marketing and sale is filled with professionals who know how to get customers interested in a product. Business development groups are responsible for enhancing the companys marketing efforts and setting up sales to succeed. Your Business Development Manager resume template can get your career moving forward if you highlight your aggressive and professional methods.Resume Template for Business Development ManagerFrank VacchioProfessional SummaryAggressive Business Development Manager that establishes and sustains strong corporate relationships that benefit the company. Excited to contribute effective ways to open up new markets, marketing enhancement processes that get results and the energy necessary to build revenue and grow the company. Respects the part that every marketing, sales and geschftlicher umgang development professional plays in the growth of the organization.Core QualificationsCold Calling MethodsMarketing Contact List DevelopmentDemographic ManagementMarket Data CollectionCorporate CommunicationsProfessional NetworkingExperienceBusiness Development Manager, September 2009 May 2015Gillette Advertising New Cityland, CAResponsible for introducing several large clients to the companyWorked with marketing to create a more effective elevator speech for trade showsTraveled the world to make contact with potential clientsBusiness Development Associate, June 2000 September 2009Gray Advertising New Cityland, CAEstablished contact with prospects through regular cold callsCollaborated with webmaster to collect customer contact information from website formsWorked with a development manager to create demographic profiles used to gather pertinent market dataEducation2000 Bachelor of Science, MarketingHammer Flow University New Cityland, CACustomize Resume
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Automation of Production Optimization
Automation of Production Optimization Automation of Production Optimization Automation of Production Optimization An opportunity for future engineers by Frederick M Proctor, NIST and Ritesh Lakhkar, Senior Development Engineer, Corning IncorporatedOver the past 5-10 years, manufacturing has evolved to be very highly automated, at least for the routine tasks, making the benefits of countries with low manual labor costs less significant for manufacturing. There has been a much higher integration of information throughout manufacturing enterprises due to the Internet, i.e., shop floor to top floor connectivity. The future is hard to predict, but the phrase agile manufacturing has persisted, and this is where automation of the non-routine tasks will be very important.In the years to come manufacturing will be highly diverse, highly automated, with less emphasis on mass production of identical items, and more customization of the product. This is referred to as mass customization, support ed by reconfigurable manufacturing. Automobile production is a good example think of a line where every car is different in some way (color, trim, options), decisions on when to make which car are made as late as possible, perhaps on the day the car is ordered, and where automation of difficult tasks (assembly of flexible material in unconstrained environments) means that people will no longer be working directly on the product, but will be called on to provide experience and expertise solving more difficult problems. There are many good reports on this subject, covering a much wider swath of manufacturing. The question remains, what can enable mass customization and agile innovation processes?In the manufacturing environment there is and will be a constant need for monitoring the current processes and make changes to them to increase efficiency, reduce cost and optimization. Much of the information needed to optimize production today is manually collected by people on the shop floo r, who are otherwise occupied with the production itself. Its tedious, time consuming, and error prone. The sources of this information vary greatly, and include lots of legacy equipment possibly decades old that dont have modern network interfaces that could help automate the data collection. There is a big need to bring all this equipment and sensors into a common networked environment so that optimization applications can work on good data.Production optimization is using information from sensors and equipment to understand current conditions in a factory or facility, and applying models to determine how to adapt future actions to reduce time and cost to make the product. It is one of the critical components for mass customization and agile innovation.The concept of production optimization is being applied across a broad range of manufacturing activities discrete parts production such as aerospace and automotive, continuous processes like oil refineries and chemical plants, and batch production for food and medicine. Mostly its being done by larger companies, and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) with small lot sizes cant spend the time to optimize these small lots. If it were easier and automated, there could be big improvements in these SMEs and thus enable mass customization and agile innovation.A research group led by Frederick M. Proctor at NIST has been working on Automation of Production Optimization in association with his colleagues John Michaloski at NIST, Jorge Arinez at General Motors and Jonatan Berglund at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Mr. Proctor is the Group Leader of the Networked Control Systems group at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and manages the Smart Manufacturing Control Systems Program of NISTs Engineering Laboratory.A case study on automating the data collection used to drive a discrete event simulation (DES) application for modeling and improving automotive engine block casting lines was covered in the ASME 2013 IMECE paper presented by Mr. Proctor. DES applications are widely used to answer what if questions on throughput, cycle times, energy costs, and other key performance indicators that vary when equipment is placed in different configurations, or used at different times. The problem is that much of the data that is used to set up DES studies is manually collected. This takes time and is prone to errors, and these errors may contribute to faulty conclusions. Its important to make it as easy and accurate as possible to collect data for DES, because bad data can lead to bad decisions.According to Mr. Proctor, at NIST, his group is looking at two aspects of production optimization scenario that could be greatly improved with automation. The first concerns the data collection. Depending on the vintage of the sensors and equipment in a facility, and the degree of network connectivity, this can be a completely manual process where peop le walk around with clipboards and stopwatches, and observe and record the activities in the facility over long periods of time, often months. Even when the equipment is networked, the communication may be done using proprietary protocols or information models that differ between vendors. Automating this data collections means point-to-point software applications that are not portable, and need to be written for each new type of equipment that comes in. Happily, standards for automating this data collection are available and getting better. One that his group has looked at is MTConnect, from the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), an open, royalty-free standard that defines a wide range of information that is encountered on the factory floor. MTConnect-enabled equipment such as machine tools and robots serve up real-time position information, and client applications will run with any mix of vendor equipment that supports MTConnect.The second aspect that can be automated relates to the DES application itself, and the need to share information between modeling, simulation, and analysis activities. Here Mr. Proctors group looked at the Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) standard for representing typical DES parameters like mean time between failure (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR), cycle time, throughput, and other information commonly encountered in manufacturing operations. Using CMSD, it is possible to automate the exchange of this information, rather than having people assist in point-to-point translations.For people who are interested in participating in this type of research work or adapting this work in the industry, Mr. Proctor suggests that domain knowledge of the particular production application is certainly required for example, when optimizing oil refinery activities, one would be expected to have skills in petroleum engineering. As is true for many engineering activities today, a good grasp of modern networked computing is neede d how to hook up computers and devices to wired and wireless networks, how to analyze files of computer data, and to some extent how to write computer applications. The effort can involve students, early career engineers, and late career engineers. The idea of automating data collection is simple, and indeed, many early career engineers get job training by doing this sort of ad hoc data collection that gets them exposure to the companys production details. Young engineers also have experience and familiarity with computers, networks, and moving information around in different formats, so they are a good fit for the problem. Late career engineers presumably know all the ins and outs of production, and can be indispensable when deciding what information to collect, how to analyze it, and how to gesangssolist the results.Engineering or computer science degrees are typical for people working in this area. Engineering degrees would include mechanical, electrical, or industrial engineerin g. Some background in a manufacturing environment is helpful. Bachelors degrees are sufficient, but many people pursue a Masters degree while employed, with a thesis covering a particular practical application.People from diverse backgrounds participated in this research work on production optimization at NIST that was presented at 2013 ASME IMECE. One was a high-volume production end user in the automotive industry, General Motors, and plant personnel who were able to conduct tests, collect data, and provide sanity checks on analyses. Mr. Proctors group partnered with Chalmers University in Sweden, who is doing research on discrete event simulation and optimization algorithms. NIST, a measurement and standards organization helped define the tests, and determined what changes were needed to CMSD as a result. The ideal project involves a mix of a good end user who can articulate requirements and who will directly benefit from the results, a research organization who can develop new t echnology to solve the problem, and vendors who will ultimately deliver products that the end user will buy to get the benefits.In order to facilitate implementation of new technologies such as production optimization techniques, early career engineers should cultivate relationships with the later-career engineers who have a lot of practical experience, and who will need to be sold on the value of new technologies. The problem to be solved, and the solution to do it, both need buy-in from established engineers for a new technology roll-out to be successful. It is also important to manage expectations and not over-sell new technology.For successful and deployable new technology solutions, academia and research community need to hear from industry on what problem they need solved, what the time frame is, what the environment is in which the technology has to work, any requirements for compatibility with legacy systems, and what sort of continued engineering support and training will b e required once the technology is in place. Graduate students and early career engineers have a much more current view of what technology is available, and can provide unique and innovative solutions or use cases that established manufacturing engineers may overlook.For future or early career engineers with keen interest in connected networks, automation, industrial and mechanical engineering, ideas such as automated production optimization can definitely help in developing solutions for the modern age 21st century agile manufacturing.NIST has several programs for students ranging from summer internships to post-doctoral research positions. Undergraduate students can apply for the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program, a NIST/National Science Foundation partnership that teams outstanding undergraduate students with NIST mentors on cutting-edge research projects SURF-Boulder and SURF-Gaithersburg. NIST also sponsors grants to universities, through an annual call for proposals that is published through NIST collaborates with industry quite a lot. Typically NIST involves industry so that NIST understands industry requirements, the constraints on deployment, and how to measure the benefits to their organization. NIST works with academia to develop the new technology, and with third-party technology providers who can commercialize the resulting work.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
8 Small Actions Thatll Help You Feel More in Control of Your Life
8 Small Actions Thatll Help You Feel More in Control of Your Life 8 Small Actions Thatll Help You Feel More in Control of Your Life People often complain about being burdened. They feel pressure from work, family, or even just the responsibility of living as a member of society. Some of this is healthy- it gives people purpose and grounds them. But many people strive for freedom and the opportunity to control their destiny. Entrepreneurs are known for having a free spirit. They break their bonds to stretch beyond what society dictates. Not everyone has that rebel instinct or capability, but anyone can be inspired to gain independence through small actions. 1. Set Clear Goals for Yourself People donât just get in a car and drive aimlessly. Knowing a destination gives you the liberty of deciding the best route for success. Allow yourself the power and freedom to chart your course, rather than letting others burden you with their expectations. 2. Decide What You Donât Want to Do People are often stuck doing things that make them feel uncomfortable or unfulfilled. Take charge and repel the things that donât make you the person you want to be. Give yourself permission to seek a different path toward the success you really want in your life. 3. Say âNoâ in a Positive Way The word ânoâ is inherently negative to many and can cause stress and frustration when heard. But saying ânoâ when you need to is also highly liberating. Stand strong and proud when you deny unreasonable requests. 4. Inspire Others to Join Your Movement The thought that if you fail to succeed there is no one there to help you get up can be debilitating. Inspire others to join your movement and work alongside you. Let the collective be stronger than the individual, and feel the burden lifted onto the shoulders of others to be shared. 5. Invest in Your Learning Ignorance is not bliss. A lack of knowledge and understanding will chain you to the very spot you stand. Constant learning is the best way to unlock new ideas and expand your opportunities. The more you grow and learn, the more control you will be able to exert in your professional and personal development. 6. Seek Out Feedback When stuck on a track that is wrong, itâs hard to abandon the investment. Critiquing yourself can be difficult, restrictive, and stressful. Turn to others for feedback to release that burden and help you develop and grow before itâs too late. 7. Carve Out âMeâ Time A busy life leaves little time for useful reflection. Contemplate your life, think through your next steps, and exert a greater sense of control over your life. This allows you to be proactive rather than reactive. 8. Disconnect from Negative People in Your Life In his book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Dr. Daniel Amen notes that one of the unhealthiest habits is to hang around with negative people. Individuals that project negative thoughts bring us down and close off the possibilities before us. Fill your circle with those that inspire you to seek out new horizons. More From Inc. 5 Practical Ways to Become a More Independent Thinker 10 Proven Habits of Happy People Yes, There Is a Key to Happiness (and Itâs Actually Pretty Simple)
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Best Tips to Get Hired by Google
Best Tips to Get Hired by Google Best Tips to Get Hired by Google Do you want to work at Google? If so, youre not alone - the company receives millions of applications each year. As well as being on the forefront of technology, and hugely successful, Google is known for offering amazing perks to employees, including onsite wellness services, family leave, the ability (at some locations) to bring a dog to work with you, and many other benefits. Google is always high on the top employers list and universally considered to be a choice destination for workers. Only the most qualified candidates will make it through the very selective screening process. Learn more about what makes a strong applicant at Google, and what to expect during your interview. What Google Wants in an Employee What does Google want in the candidates they hire? Youâll find plenty of information on Googleâs hiring site. Currently, the company mentions looking for people who can bring new perspectives and life experiences to our team. Challenges, Leadership, and Smarts Google looks for employees who can think outside the box and create innovative solutions to problems. Candidates who have a clear track record for taking on difficult challenges and mobilizing the efforts of others to achieve results will have the greatest appeal. If youâre a leader who can proactively advance your agenda, but can also recognize when someone else in the room has a better idea, you will have some of the characteristics the company wants. You need to be smart. Google recruits employees who have displayed high intelligence and who possess a fascination with developments in technology. Technical skills such as coding matter for many engineering and programming roles. However, Google prefers candidates with broad base knowledge and skills as opposed to individuals with deep expertise in a narrow field. Given the rapid rate of change in the tech sector, Google seeks candidates with a passion for learning who can translate new ideas into action. Do You Have Googleyness? Another factor is âGoogleynessâ â" that is what is known as candidate fit. Are you the right person for the job and for Google? Will you fit in with the company culture? Read everything you can find online about working at Google to find out if this might be the place for you to work. Glassdoor.comâs Google Reviews is a good starting point to get insight. Google's Hiring Process Once you find a position at Google that interests you, and submit a resume, you will be reviewed by a recruiter, who will contact you if they think you may be a good fit. This initial contact will be followed by a phone interview, and then by an on-site interview with a committee of management and peers. The process can take a few weeks, because Google is very selective in its hiring, and takes every measure to be sure of a compatible hire. Tips for Interviewing at Google Google takes pride in their companys interesting and diverse workforce. They encourage you to share what makes you unique, and offer excellent advice on what they like and donât like to see in a resume. Your interview is a key part of the hiring process with Google. Google follows a behavioral interviewing approach. This means you will need to be ready to provide examples and anecdotes to back up your resume. Your interviewers (and expect to meet at least a few of them) will want to know what you have accomplished not what your job was. Be ready to share stories and specific examples of what youâve done. Google used to be famous for asking interviewees to solve tricky brainteasers during interviews, but no longer does so. Review the list below and identify roles or situations in your past experiences when you have tapped those qualities to generate results. The closer a match you can make, the better your chances of moving forward in the hiring process. Top 20 Things That Google Looks for In Candidates 1. Cognitive ability manifested by a capacity to learn 2. Intense curiosity 3. Innovativeness 4. Ability to adapt to change 5. Algorithmic thinking 6. Facility with writing computer code 7. Divergent thinking 8. Statistical analysis skills 9. Ability to mine big data 10. Humility and ability to give credit to others 11. Analytical skills to solve problems 12. Individuals with diverse backgrounds 13. Management style characterized by empowering others 14. Action oriented 15. Demonstrated ability to take on challenges and persist to overcome obstacles 16. Evidence of active leadership with a balance between passionately influencing others and accepting superior ideas of others 17. Candidates who attack problems head-on 18. Evidence of taking ownership and being accountable for projects 19. Collaborative teamwork 20. Comfort with ambiguity More Tech Company Opportunities Other tech companies that are high on best companies to work for lists include Facebook, Microsoft, and Yahoo. There are many startup companies that offer excellent opportunities for those interested in a fast-paced, growth-oriented work environment. Whichever company youre interested in working for, these tips for getting hired by your dream company will help you get started.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Think You Cant Get a Job Think Again.
Think You Can't Get a Job Think Again. Think You Can't Get a Job Think Again. The only thing standing between you and your next job could be your negative thoughts.While coaching people in transition over the past two decades, Iâve noticed a fascinating pattern of human behavior: Job hunters have a tendency to adopt, and cling to, the limits of what they perceive to be their weakest link as a candidate. These are the pieces of your career and profile that you think are holding you back.To tap into your own limiting beliefs, or âsecret excuses,â finish either of the following sentences:âMy job search would be going better if it werenât for⦠ââIâll never get the job I want most because ⦠âNo matter how optimistic you are, there is a good chance you have your own answer to either or both statements. Here are just a few of the limiting beliefs I hear most: âIâm too old. Companies want to hire younger workers.â âI donât have enough experience to get hired in that industry.â âIâve been out of the game too long.â (This is a favorite among women who want to return to work after taking time off to raise children.) âThey only hire MBAs.â (Substitute whatever advanced degree is applicable to your industry.) âThey only want people from Ivy League schools.â âCompanies arenât hiring. The economy still isnât that great.â Some of these beliefs are easier to correct than others. Some are at least partly true.The Partial Truth I wish I could say that all hiring managers are open-minded and willing to look for potential beyond cookie-cutter credentials. We all know that isnât true. Worse, there are companies that discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion and other factors beyond our control. It shouldnât happen, but it does. The problem occurs when you take what happens in some unfortunate circumstances and believe it will happen in ALL circumstances. In general, the more you make this logical leap, the more pessimistic you will become.According to psychologist Martin Seligman, Ph.D., author of âLearned Optimism,â the most pessimistic among us adopt thought patterns that are personal, permanent and pervasive. This plays itself out in self-defeating thoughts like, âItâs me. Itâs going to last forever. And itâs going to impact everything I do.âThere are two ways to get beyond these thought patterns and limiting beliefs. While each technique can work on its own, the fastest, most effect ive strategy is to focus on both simultaneously.1. Rewire Your Thought Patterns Based on the way our minds are wired, once we start giving a thought attention, energy and focus, it becomes a more prominent part of our experience. At that point, evidence validating the thought seems to appear everywhere, and it becomes a belief. This phenomenon is an important part of what is known as the Law of Attraction.Fortunately, it is possible to change the way you think. But the correction takes practice because it requires you to reverse the method you used to create the beliefs. In other words, you actively have to seek evidence that contradicts your current worldview.For example, if you believe you wonât get a job because companies donât hire older workers, challenge yourself to find examples of people older than you who have been hired recently. If you honestly canât think of anyone, start asking others. Before long you should have a few examples that prove your belief is not always true. Remember, it doesnât have to be completely true for this to work. After all, your goal isnât to eradicate age discrimination around the globe; your goal is to convince a single company to hire you because you have the potential to positively impact its business.2. Deactivate Your Weakest Link At the same time that you are working on changing your thought patterns, you have another equally important task: to improve the way you are marketing yourself.People with a âsecret excuseâ often donât push themselves hard enough in the self-assessment process because they are convinced it wonât matter. This is the most dangerous thought of all. âAndrea,â an unemployed event planner, recently explained to me why she wouldnât be able to get a job by saying, âEveryone I know in this industry is either unemployed or afraid they are about to be.âNot willing to accept this outlook, I challenged Andrea to demonstrate the reasons she was worth hiring. At that point, her resume was no help at all because it started out with three typical, generic bullet points : Negotiated with unions Worked with hotels and convention centers Booked speakers Yawn. Yawn. And yawn again.If you are an event planner, thatâs your job! Like most resumes, Andreaâs looked more like a job description than a compelling track record of accomplishment. Despite her limiting beliefs about the market, she proved to be quite coachable and worked hard to quantify her accomplishments.Once we uncovered the gold in Andreaâs background, we put together a table that highlighted her efforts. At a glance, hiring managers could now see that Andrea had planned events of up to 20,000 people. Better still, by consistently coming in at or under budget, she had saved her company $1 million over an eight-year period. That represents an average annual savings of $125,000 â" $50,000 more than her salary! In other words, she is an investment, not an expense.Despite Andreaâs limiting beliefs about her employment prospects, she had a job within three weeks of adding the table to her resume. Why? Because people could look at her and think, âWow! If Andrea can do that for her last company, think what she could do for us.âAndreaâs story is one of my favorites because it clearly demonstrates the power we all have to deactivate our limiting beliefs. Itâs a process that takes time, but I promise it is worth the effort.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Yes, there is such a thing as being too productive
Yes, there is such a thing as being too productive Yes, there is such a thing as being too productive Contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as being âtoo productive.âFollow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Laddersâ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!I like to think about this in two ways:First, you are being âtoo productiveâ the moment that your input becomes disproportionate to your output.Letâs use writing as an example.I know a good many writers who feel all sorts of productive simply because of how many books theyâre able to read in a day, week, month, or year.Now, letâs say you are an incredibly productive reader. You are able to read pages and pages without effort. You are able to retain a significant amount of the material you consume. When it comes to reading, you are an absolute professional.The problem is, your âChief Aim,â your GOAL, isnât to become a master reader (maybe thatâs a tangential goal, but itâs not your main goal). Your goal is to become a writer. And while rea ding is certainly an important part of writing, and become a professional writer, the moment your input becomes disproportionate to your output, you are no longer being productive. Because while you may be turning into an incredibly effective reader, there is a tipping point where âmore readingâ isnât going to move you any further along as a writer.So, the âactâ can be productive, but unless the âactâ is aligned with the GOAL, then it wouldnât be accurate to say your ACTIONS (as a whole) are productive.Thatâs the first example.The second example of being âtoo productiveâ is when your productivity has a disproportionate impact on your quality of life.In order to achieve anything great in life, you will have to make sacrifices.It would be naive to think that you could achieve the highest levels of success (or âproductivityâ) without some compromise: letting go of certain relationships, eating less healthfully, sleeping less, enduring high amounts of stress, etc. Whatever that compromise becomes is up to you, but somewhere, somehow, your drive toward your âChief Aimâ will cause you to have to ignore other aspects of your life.However, thereâs a tipping point here as well.The moment your drive puts you in the hospital, you know you have a problem. The moment your significant other sits you down and says, âI canât keep seeing you like this,â you know youâve gone too far. The variables of life can bend, but at a certain point, they can and they will snap. And itâs up to you to figure out how far you can bend before you break.The art of âbeing productive,â then, is all about balancing the following variables: Input as it relates to output (you should be âdoingâ more than youâre âconsumingâ) Productivity weighed against the sustainable aspects of your life (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health) Driving the highest impact for the lowest amount of effort (prioritizing whatâs truly going to âmove the needleâ over what doesnât move the needle but feels urgent) Finding this sweet spot is the reason why some people do incredible things with our universal 24-hour clock, and others do almost nothing.This article first appeared in Minutes Magazine. You might also enjoy⦠New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklinâs daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people
Saturday, November 16, 2019
12 Banned Super Bowl Ads That Were Too Hot For TV
12 Banned Super Bowl Ads That Were Too Hot For TV 12 Banned Super Bowl Ads That Were Too Hot For TV The creators of Super Bowl ads have a fine line to walk; they have to do whatever they can, without going so far that they offend, confuse, or even outrage to the point of being banned.However, sometimes being banned can be better for an ad than being censored. In the past, a banned ad would have died in the depths of an advertising archive. Nowadays, once the ad is pulled, it goes online for a big bite of the viral cherry. Here are ten of those ads that lived again, online. 01Bud Light: Clothing Drive Screen grab via YouTube All you can say about this one is that some people are way too sensitive. Having two beers making out in a fridge is hardly steamy stuff. Itâs a bit suggestive, of course, but the kids arenât really going to know whatâs going on. Super Bowl Advertising Advice... If you're in the enviable position of working on a Super Bowl ad this year, you will have to walk the fine line of making a splash and being noticed for the wrong reasons. Make sure that if you are being racy, it is rooted in the product or service. But better yet, create an ad like 1984 for Apple, or the wonderful Darth Vader spot for Volkswagen.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Military Recruiting in New York Citys Times Square
Military Recruiting in New York City's Times Square Military Recruiting in New York City's Times Square By Lt. j.g. Doug Johnson NEW YORK A guy weighing about 280 pounds walked in here with a loaded gun once, said Marine Corps Recruiter Staff Sgt. Marco Cordero. He sat down and wouldnt leave, said Cordero. He kept saying he was the real 50 Cent, and that he had to lay low from the cops for a while. So, one of the recruiters from the Armed Forces Recruiting Station in Times Square, N.Y., nonchalantly walked out of the recruiting station and across the street to the police station. As the cops surrounded the station and arrested the gun-brandishing visitor, Cordero couldnt help but think to himself, ...only in New York. Located in the heart of New York City, the Times Square Armed Forces Recruiting Station never really has a typical day. Its location and notoriety make it one of the most interesting duty assignments in the Marine Corps. Times Square itself is formed by the angle of Broadway intersecting 7th Avenue between West 42nd and 47th Streets, though the name also applies to the general surrounding area. The station sits on a small traffic island between Broadway and 7th Ave., and it has the best view of the chaos thats synonymous with Times Square. There isnt a better place to work, said Brooklyn native Gunnery Sgt. Alexander Kitsakos. Kitsakos is a double Centurion (more than 200 enlistees), and he worked on Extended Active Duty as a recruiter in Times Square from 1995 to 1997. Its the crossroads of the world and the most famous recruiting station in the country. Marines have represented the Corps in Times Square since the building opened in 1946. The Corps is careful with who they give that responsibility to. The type of person we put in Times Square has to be positive, said Sgt. Maj. Fenton Reese, Recruiting Station New York. You have to have one really positive attitude and a great image. Image is everything, said Reese. Recruiters look good anyway -but [for Times Square] we need a razor-sharp Marine who can also deal with the public, he said. There are people there of all races and nationalities, and its very fast-paced. We need a Marine who can relate to all of them. Cordero has represented the Corps for two years. With 1st Marine Corps Districts Recruiter of the Year title under his belt, hes done his share of relating. You have to deal with a lot of people here, with a lot of different personalities and backgrounds, said Cordero. Ive learned how to deal with all of them. The diversity comes from the fact that not all of the applicants are from the immediate surrounding area. The contracts [from Times Square] come from all over, said Staff Sgt. Amanda Hay, RS New York Marketing and Public Affairs Representative. Theres only been a couple of contracts from Times Square that were actually from midtown Manhattan. Brooklyn native Pavel Sanchez is one of the many applicants from another borough who traveled to Times Square. My friend told me about the I decided to come out here, he said. Sanchez enlisted in the Delayed Entry Program in January, and he leaves for boot camp in March. The Marine Corps isnt the only recruiting presence in the square. The 520-square-feet station is also home to a recruiter from the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Each recruiter has one cubicle, which, along with a small bathroom in the back of the station, is about all the station has room for. The station, which the recruiters call the booth, was renovated in 1998 and rededicated in 1999. For more than fifty years before the rededication, the recruiters didnt even have a bathroom. You had to make friends very quickly in order to use the bathroom, said Kitsakos, who left just before the renovation. He and the other recruiters made friends at a nearby theater and they would walk down the block to use the restroom there. But, some things never changed. The recruiters [from all of the services] really worked together, he said. If one of the recruiters had an applicant come in for anything, another recruiter would help out if the applicants recruiter wasnt there. Seven years after Kitsakos worked at the station, Cordero said the teamwork between the services is still the highlight of working there. What makes this fun is that we all get along, said the Washington Heights, N.Y., native. If Im not here and someone walks in to find out more about the Marines, then whoever is here will sit down and talk to him about the Marines. Were all in one room here, and we work with each other every day, said Army Staff Sgt. Dennis Kelly. So its easy to just work together. Both realize that the same teamwork may not apply at other recruiting stations, but it works well for them. All four of the recruiters in the small Times Square station earned Recruiter of the Year titles. Working in a station thats so well known has its ups and downs. The visibility the recruiters get from the public is both good and bad, said Hay. Famous music artists, models and actors visit the station unannounced. Even P. Diddy was here hanging out with us in front of the station one day, said Kelly. Other visitors are less welcome. Anti-war protesters have targeted the station in the past. The protesters dont really affect the recruiters...its just business as usual, said Hay. Actually, protests offer an opportunity for the recruiters to show off how well they relate to different people. During one protest, people handcuffed themselves to the flag pole, said Cordero. So, once they were handcuffed, I went out and handed my business card out to their free hands. According to RS New York operational statistics, the RS contracted more than 1,300 applicants last fiscal year. A significant portion [of those contracts] come from Manhattan, said Reese. We couldnt sustain our mission without Manhattan. The location of the station combined with hard work provides those numbers. Theres always a lot of traffic there, said Kitsakos. Combining the walk-ins with plenty of good, old-fashioned, area canvassing can make a recruiter competitively successful. The same factors that can make a day successful also create an intense atmosphere. Its like Wall Street in here sometimes, said Cordero. Theres so much to handle in such little time. For Marines willing to handle the pressure of recruiting in Times Square, Hay said the challenge is worth it. The recruiters get lots of VIP status and visits from famous people. I would say Times Square is the most exciting place to be as a Marine.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
An Interview With Nilofer Merchant on Onlyness - The Muse
An Interview With Nilofer Merchant on Onlyness - The Muse An Interview With Nilofer Merchant on Onlyness I spent most of the last year feeling stuck in my career. My company, which Iâd poured all my energy into for nearly five years, had shut down and I had completely lost track of my professional identity. Who was I now and what kind of job should I look for? And who would want to hire me, a failed entrepreneur? Nilofer Merchantâs new book, The Power of Onlyness: Make Your Wild Ideas Mighty Enough to Dent the World, spoke directly to that feeling and reminded me that my unique perspective is a strength, not a weakness. In the book, she introduces the powerful idea of âonlyness,â your spot in the universe that is unique to you, where your life experience and vision for the future collide. Reading the book reminded me that everyone, even me in my frustrated state, have ideas to contribute. Finding my onlyness helped me focus on my passions, rather than my credentials, and think about the dent I want to make in the world- inside and outside the office. I may not look like a typical candidate for most jobs. In fact, I donât look like anyone else, and thatâs OK. The Muse was lucky enough to sit down with author Nilofer Merchant to discuss her early experiences forcing a unique path and how you can use your onlyness to have more impact, in your current role and beyond. How Do You Know What's Within Your Control at Work if Your Boss and/or Company Follow Very Specific Protocols and Insist on Sticking to Existing Processes? Often when I work with teams, theyâll say weâve tried everything, or our boss wonât let us try everything. So, I ask them, whereâs the proposal of the idea that they rejected? And most times, I get blank stares. Because, they never went that far. Instead, most of us act out of the fear of rejection rather than actually doing the work necessary to be rejected. So, what I advise is this: Propose things so clearly that if they say no, you know youâve done everything you could to give them a clear choice to act in such a way that grows the business. If they reject that proposal, you know more about whether itâs a place for you. But if youâve not done the analysis, gathered the data, and teed up the business case clearly, youâre not doing the part you can control. What's the First Step a Person Should Take if They're Looking to Feel More Powerful in Their Current Role? Itâs counterintuitive to say big new ideas start by one person acting on what only they see. Yet, itâs the first step to being more powerful. Because others will see that action, and join in, so that you- plural- you, together make a new idea into a new reality. This reminds me of a bank executive I recently met. She had an idea to serve the low-end of the market. But she didnât tell anyone, because it might become evident that she grew up poor. So her idea was stifled. Yet, if she spoke up, owning what mattered to her, based on that spot in the world where only she stood, she might very well find those who cared, too. It could be an issue that bothers you, or a way something doesnât work, or a question that perplexes you. But, by acting on what you see that matters, you go toward your own ideas. How Do You Make Sure That Your Ideas- No Matter How Small- Are Impactful and Meaningful? Now that you can grow and realize ideas through the power of networks, you have a new lever to move the world. So, the key is to figure out why your idea deeply matters to you and use that to mobilize others. I mentioned the banker who cared about serving people? She knew that often the poor pay about 5% to cash their checks when they are the least able to afford that 5%. It mattered to her because she had experienced that life. Imagine if she had shared how this idea was meaningful to her. Surely others would care about that problem. This is how we scale an idea. By caring about the same things, your co-denters become evident. Purpose can achieve something that money alone cannot, as it motivates the best in people and brings out the very best people. When's the First Time in Your Professional Life You Came to a Crossroads and Had to Decide Between Someone Else's Choice or Making Your Own- and Made Your Own? The General Manager of Apple Americas told me, âAll of our products except one are declining in margin; only one isnât, but that one has low revenues. Can you help me figure out how to grow the topline growth?â To be entirely truthful, I didnât know much about margins back then, or even growth strategies. But I answered, absolutely! Taking the spreadsheet, I went into my managersâ office and shared the exchange. Instead of being excited, she said, âHeâs been trying to tag everyone with that dog project.â She thought it was entirely unsolvable and proceeded to tell me all the super well-educated, and far more experienced people who had passed on it. And she advised me to do the same. I didnât agree but I didnât know what to say. I could listen to her- or I could at least give it a shot. So, I got going and did as many calls as I could that afternoon. One day later, I walked back into my bossâ office and said I had an idea for what would work. She was shocked that I didnât listen to her. But, because I had a specific proposal, she listened. In the end, I got her support and the general managerâs, and ultimately the responsibility to run that idea. Choices define us. The hand weâre dealt is just a starting point; itâs our choices afterward that reveal what genuinely matters to us. When we face these seemingly unmovable situations, we must decide between making someone elseâs choice or our own. Itâs understandable how anyone can let the pressures of given situations, circumstances, or people around them define their next step. But itâs powerfulâ"deeply soâ"to make your own choices, find your own path, open up your own door of opportunity- not just for yourself, but for your purpose. Oh, and that business? It was the Apple server business; which grew from $2M to $180M in less than 18 months. And I got to personally present that data to Steve Jobs in the first week he returned to Apple and helped bring it to back to life. None of that was possible without acting toward solutions.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
This Is What a Successful Sales Career Looks Like - The Muse
This Is What a Successful Sales Career Looks Like - The Muse This Is What a Successful Sales Career Looks Like There was a point in time when Tim Dearborn, The Museâs West Coast Sales Manager, traveled more than he was home. Dearborn has worked for such reputable companies as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Hearst (of which, he says âthe people who work at those companies are amongst the best aroundâ). But, it was at Hearst that Dearborn realized that he couldnât keep traveling the way he had been since 2013. You see, the rigorous travel schedule posed a problem: It stopped him from spending as much time with his young son as he wanted to. Because he shares custody of his son with his ex-wife, every weekend truly counts- and he didnât want to sacrifice their time together so he could run to the airport to make a flight. This decision to prioritize his child over his job is what ultimately landed him at The Muse. While he still cares very much about his career, he chose to find a role that allowed him to both be an amazing father and an influential sales leader. To learn more about what Dearborn does and, more importantly, why, keep reading. How Did You End Up at The Muse? It was a no-brainer. I sent the head of sales an InMail [on LinkedIn], and he got back to me right away. Having worked in this space for close to 10 years, I was excited to join a team that was still very much in the building stages. Knowing weâre in a place here where we can build something great motivates me. If There Was One Thing You Wish People Understood About Working in Sales, What Would it Be? You need to be able to hear the prospect youâre meeting with, not just listen. People, especially those in sales, are often thinking about what to say or ask next when someone is speaking with them, especially on an initial call. The good sales people are the ones who speak less than 50% of the time. The best are the ones that speak less than 30%. My favorite way to explain this is from the movie White Men Canât Jump, when Sidney Deanâs speaking to Billy Hoyle about hearing the music of Jimi Hendrix, âYou can listen to Jimi, but you canât hear him. Thereâs a difference man. Just because youâre listening to him doesnât mean youâre hearing him.â The same applies to sales: Just because youâre listening to someone doesnât mean youâre hearing them. What Motivates You to Keep Going Each Day? Everything I do is for my son. Every single thing. My family and I moved homes a lot since I was a kid, and Iâve always known I didnât want to hop homes as an adult. I wanted stability. My goal is to maintain a lifestyle for my son that feels stable and secure, and while people say âhome is where the heart is,â which it is, I also know that having to move so many times has motivated me to do things differently for my son. Also, I always want to learn and get better- and I love a good challenge. I care about the people I work with, and I want to push them to be the best version of themselves. I want that in return as well. Years ago, at LinkedIn, we had this saying âGood job doing your job,â which basically meant that if you hit your target thatâs good, but I expected you to do that. What else can you do? How Do You Deal With a Particularly Stressful Day at Work? I reflect a lot on life and that helps balance stress. When I was a teenager, my older siblings and I took care of my mother when she was battling cancer. After she passed away when I was 16 I didnât think about the future and the lessons she taught me in those moments of taking care of her. I just thought about making her smile. Now when Iâm challenged with something stressful, I remind myself that my mom was suffering greatly, yet she was still able to be my mom and teach me about life, whether it was with her words or her actions. Having gone through that puts everything else into perspective, so when a truly stressful moment is happening, I remind myself that itâs just time, and a moment that will pass. Want to read more career stories of people whoâve landed in jobs they love? Here are some of our personal favorites: Weâre Best Friends Who Started a Business and This Is Our Career Story Ina Gartenâs Proof That Itâs Never Too Late to Change Careers Why I Left a Government Job for One in the Beer Industry
Monday, November 11, 2019
12 Tips for Connecting With Your Interviewer
12 Tips for Connecting With Your Interviewer 12 Tips for Connecting With Your Interviewer Theres a lot that determines your success in an interview - from how you answer questions to the questions you ask, and from the quality of your resume and portfolio to your timeliness and manners. Who Youll Interview With Who will you meet when you interview for a new job? There are a variety of types of job interviews, and who youll be talking to depends on both the job and the organization. Your interview - especially for a screening interview, a first-round interview, or an interview with a large employer - may be with a human resources manager or recruiter, to assess your qualifications for the job. In this case, it will be a phone, video (e.g., Skype), or in-person one-on-one interview. At smaller companies, your interviewer may be your prospective manager. In some cases, youll meet with a panel - a group of people who will ask you questions about your qualifications. If the employer holds second interviews, youll most likely meet with the person youll be reporting to, and you may also meet with prospective co-workers and/or direct reports. How To Build Rapport During a Job Interview Though its always important to be polite and professional, establishing a rapport with your interviewer is also key to success. If an interviewer feels an affinity for you as a person, he or she is more likely to feel positive about hiring you as an employee. After all, employers look for recruits who interact effectively with co-workers, clients, and supervisors, and of course, everyone wants to work in a pleasant environment. If you fail to connect with your interviewer during the interview, he or she might assume that you may not interact well with other co-workers if you were hired, so its important to make a good impression. Accordingly, your interview preparation should extend beyond what you will say during your meeting. You should also think about how youll relate to your interviewer on a personal level. The following suggestions will help you optimize the interpersonal component of your interview performance. 12 Tips for Connecting With Your Interviewer Start the interview the right way. Greet your recruiter warmly, as if he or she were a person you were looking forward to meeting. Say something like So glad to meet you as you exchange a firm,though not crushing,Hereâs how to introduce yourself at a job interview.Be friendly and personable. Smile and exude personal warmth whenever appropriate during your meeting. Be genuine in your interactions and express positive emotions about the position and the company. Interviewers are more likely to view affable candidates favorably, so its important to be enthusiastic and optimistic. Show your interest in the person as well as the job. Show an interest in your interviewer during the warm-up phase of your interview by asking some questions about them. Making casual small talk before the substantive questioning begins can help to put both you and your interviewer at ease. Questions such as, How long have you worked here?, Have you had other roles at the firm?, or How long is your commute? can help to relax your interviewer and help them warm to you.Make it personal. When appropriate, share some personal information about yourself. Revealing some of your outside interests or background information can help an interviewer relate to you as a person. Remember good posture. Sit up straight and lean slightly forward towards your interviewers to engage them and show that youre interested in what they are saying.Eye contact is important. Make frequent, but not piercing, eye contact with the interviewer to demonstrate that you are listening carefully to what theyre saying.Show your interest. Nod and actively show that you are listening by saying things like, I see, I understand, Sounds good, and follow up with questions when appropriate.Pay attention to everyone. In multiple-interviewer situations, make sure you pay equal attention to each person. It is important to establish a positive rapport with all of the interviewers, and not just those with whom you feel a natural chemistry. Hereâs how to handle a group interview. Show that you get it. Paraphrase important or complex messages delivered by your interviewer to demonstrate that you understand his/her point.Ask about company culture. Demonstrate your interest in the company culture, whether by asking a follow-up question or initiating the question on your own, so that your interviewer sees youre keen to become part of the team. For example, you might ask, Whats camaraderie like between employees?, Do co-workers ever get together outside of the office?, or Do you offer any team bonding opportunities or excursions?. Thank your interviewers. Express your sincere gratitude for their time and the insight that they have provided as you complete the interview. Be sure to close the interview on a positive note.Donât wait to follow up. Follow up immediately with a thank you email or note, or even a phone call, and mention specific reasons why you found the interviewer helpful. Dont forget to also say that you enjoyed meeting with them and hope that you would have the opportunity to work together. If you have met with multiple interviewers, personalize your communications by adding something unique to each email.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Number One Article on Resumes That Stand out
The Number One Article on Resumes That Stand out Another is to utilize Resume Builder. Your CV is a crucial portion of your quest for the sort of jobs you have earned. To begin with, you have to locate a job for the CV. Job seekers have been striving for a long time to create their resumes stick out from the pile. Graduates are ready to research and cooperate with global companies and company partners. Seasoned applicants are requested to submit a on-line tool. Including your community-service work will help you distinguish yourself from the rest of the resumes and applicants out there. The Unusual Secret of Resumes That Stand out There's always a danger to receive caught. Therefore, taking the opportunity to thoroughly craft a new version for each job you're applying to is usually advisable. Rather than spending plenty of time developing a video or attempting to stick out on social networking, you might go down the conventional route just with a twist. There's a good deal of crucial projects going on. What You Need to Do About Resumes That Stand out Starting in the Next 20 Minutes For the student, it is an opportunity to have the business experience you have to get hired. You are able t o use your resume as a means to showcase your experiences, your accomplishments, and the skills you've got, but in addition help it become clear how you've grown over recent years. It helps to incorporate skills you have over a restart. The most suitable education can help an applicant to stick out in both big phases of the application practice. Boring works as soon as it comes to the majority of resumes. Resumes are supposed to be action oriented, accomplishment focused but they're supposed to be visually appealing,'' Lanzalaco stated. They are typically quite short often only about a page but they are often the first chance you will have to make an impression. Nearly all resumes also incorporate a concise work history section. What You Don't Know About Resumes That Stand out Well, there's a high possibility that you've sent the incorrect sort of resume for the particular job description. To call the present job market overcrowded would be a big understatement. In order to acquire work, you require a resume that will get you noticed. Don't just add your latest job in addition to your old resume. It's better to know which to utilize in which portion of the world to ease in your job search. It can be quite hard to stick out from the crowd when applying for work. If you're expecting to launch work search, or are already in the center of one, you might be facing a great deal of competition. For folks that are unemployed or underemployed, figuring out how to stick out in the work search is critical. Top Resumes That Stand out Choices So, make certain you're knowledgeable about the requirements and learn to write resume outline first. Resumes are nothing if they don't open in a grand way. Resumes that stand out, float to the peak of the pile, and wind up on the desk of the individual who will hire you. Resumes That Stand out - What Is It? As soon as it is undoubtedly true that nobody will hire you solely depending on the caliber of the paper used to print your resume. Instead, state your name and that you will return calls whenever possible. Actually, there's scope to attempt to use social media to provide your alternative resume some traction to make certain that your dream provider takes notice. Even smaller details, like the range of patients seen daily, provide a clearer picture of what the nurse accomplished in that specific workplace.
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